Ontwerplabel Vij5

The project
The FlexVaas consists of a basic porcelain form with three different, exchangeable top pieces, which lets you adapt the vase to suit the specific bouquet. You attach them to the basic vase with clamps like those on preserving jars. This gives the vase a contradictorily nostalgic quality, which we are not accustomed to seeing in this product. Vij5 strives for the cross-fertilization of design mentalities as the basis for its product designs.

A flexible vase that can be adapted to suit the bouquet it’s going to hold! The FlexVase consists of one basic form and three different top pieces. These top pieces are interchangeable due to a locking system based on the lid of the well-known preserving jar. By changing the top pieces, the user can change the form and the function of the vase.