Call for Entries runs March 9th till April 20th 2023

How does it work?

Read below what to do if you want to compete for one of the Awards.

  • Dutch design?

    DDA opts for a broad approach of the concept Dutch design:

    • Designs executed by a designer or studio established in the Netherlands.
    • The implementation of the design is not bound to the Dutch borders.
    • It is a requirement that the design is realized/ presented/ published in the period between 1 April 2022 and 1 April 2023.
  • Registration and login My DDA account

    • Registration fee per submission in 2023; Product, Habitat, Communication, Fashion, Design Research and Data & Interaction category €75,- per submission. Category Best Commissioning is €150,- per submission. A submission category Young Designer is free of charge.
    • Register and log in.
    • In order to start the submission process, you must first have a My DDA or My DDW account. You can create this via the link registration at the top of this page.
    • After registering you can log in (see link above) using the account and choose to start the DDA submission process.
    • If you have already created an account via DDA or DDW, you can immediately log in with these contact details and you no longer need to create a My DDA or My DDW account.
  • Project submission

    • You have arrived at DDA submission.
    • Choose a category and start the submission process.
    • It is possible to submit different designs. It is not possible to submit the same design in different categories.
    • Read here the Regulations DDA 2023 for participation in the competition.
  • Submit or edit

    • Complete the submission form.
    • You can save a partially completed form and finalise your submission at a later time.
    • You can save your submission by clicking on ‘Aanmelding later nog bewerken’ and then ‘Inzending Opslaan’ at the bottom of the submission page.
    • When your submission is complete, it can be finalised by clicking on ‘Aanmelding indienen bij DDA’  and then ‘Inzending Opslaan’.
    • Incomplete submissions will not be processed.
    • Tip: Type the answers to the questions in a Word/Text editor/Pages document first, and then copy the answers into the online submission form. In this way, you will not lose the entered text if you forget to save the form and leave the submission process.
  • Confirmation

    • After finalising your submission, you will receive a confirmation e-mail.


For questions or more information.


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