Next Nature Network

Nano Supermarket

The project

The Nano Supermarket shows new products that might come to market in the next decade and draws attention to new technologies. An example is Rayfish Footwear, ‘customised’ footwear made of farmed stingray leather.


What makes the Nano Supermarket interesting is the fact that it does not predict the future, but explores a possible future in an understandable way. Nano Supermarket does not judge these technologies itself, but gauges their desirability among the public. This concept enables the public to reflect on the potential impact of new technologies. It provokes a public debate on what is or is not ‘acceptable’ in this world.

— The products provoke debate and are all innovative and desirable, but some are a little daunting or even alarming- Bas van Lier, Dutch Design Jaarboek, 2013.

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