Lernert & Sander

Selfridges Window Displays

The project

To help celebrate the launch of their epic new Shoe Galleries, Selfridges called on Lernert & Sander to create 11 sculptural installations that take iconic shoe design to surreal extremes. They have taken the most mundane of household domestic appliances and comedically refashioned them into divine creations. A humorous take on fashion as an ideal escape from the daily grind.


Household appliances in the form of shoes as iconic objects in display windows are a brilliant way to communicate the opening of the new shoe department of the British department store Selfridges.


Selfridges attracts attention and leaves a strong impression. At first, this impression appears to be enjoyable. The cliché seems to be ridiculed, but the message is ambiguous. A display window of a department store disseminating the values of art is very special.

— The iconic shoe objects are exemplary for Lernert & Sander’s work, which cuts straight across all the disciplines and media.

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