De Designpolitie, Herman van Bostelen & Lesley Moore

The project
Since October 2006, Gorilla provides a visual interpretation to the frontpage of the Volkskrant. Gorilla, an occasional collective comprised of 4 designers, responds to the news each day with a powerful image, often complemented with a few words. On the same day that the newspaper is published, the visual column also appears on the website of the Volkskrant, where all the previously published columns – called ‘Gorillas’ – can also be found. Gorilla makes use of the possibility to give opinions as a designer about topical subjects.

Despite the fact that there were earlier examples of it, the visual column from Gorilla is innovative and trend setting. The clear line in typography, image language and message has been maintained consistently throughout a whole year: top-class contemporary commitment. The simultaneous posting of the Gorillas on the Volkskrant website, allowing visitors to forward a Gorilla to someone else by e-mail, gives a logical dimension to the multimedia platform of the Volkskrant.